Monday, October 30, 2023

Speaking Freely about Free Speech

As a college student grappling with my place in society and our community here at Highpoint, I find myself drawn to the notion of the Marketplace of Ideas as the most vital aspect of the First Amendment. In my view, John Milton's assertion that truth emerges victorious when allowed to grapple freely with falsehood captures the essence of a democratic society, a society that thrives on open discourse and diverse perspectives. The idea that truth gains strength through confrontation with opposing views resonates deeply with me as I navigate the complexities of the world.

In today’s day in age, we have so much information at our fingertips, and our world is more interconnected than ever. Social media has allowed us to interact with people across the globe, opening the door to a myriad of opinions and ideas and discourse that would otherwise not happen. This is why I believe the Marketplace of Ideas serves as a guiding principle that really highlights the importance of attributes like critical thinking and discernment. It encourages us, as a society, to actively engage with different viewpoints, evaluate their merits, and arrive at conclusions that are backed by evidence. The process of intellectual grappling solidifies our understanding of the world. But also fosters a society where the exchange of ideas is encouraged. In doing this, we as a society will be pushed in the direction of collective growth and enlightenment. 

Furthermore, the concept of the Marketplace of Ideas aligns with my belief in the power of education with an emphasis on intellectual curiosity. We as a society must embrace diverse perspectives and engage in constructive dialogue as this will create an environment that supports intellectual curiosity. This can certainly be related to our class blog! Blogs are a great way to interact and have discussions and ultimately put intellectual curiosity into action. Having intellectual curiosity fosters a culture of lifelong learning. As a college student, I recognize the immense value of being exposed to a variety of viewpoints, as it broadens my understanding of complex issues and equips me with the tools to contribute meaningfully to our society.

I feel strongly that the Marketplace of Ideas is the most important because it extends beyond intellectuality and free speech. Importantly, I truly believe it embodies democratic participation. This is because promoting unrestricted exchange of thoughts and opinions allows us to uphold the fundamental aspects of an inclusive society. In essence, the Marketplace of Ideas serves as a cornerstone of our democratic nature as a nation. This theory fosters an environment where the pursuit of truth is not just an individual goal but a collective goal. Especially in the vibrant atmosphere of a college campus, where ideas flourish and debates thrive. Here the significance of the Marketplace of Ideas becomes even more apparent. It encourages us to embrace intellectual diversity. Embracing this principle, I am inspired to contribute to a society where the free exchange of ideas serves as a catalyst for positive change!

In many ways, I believe the concept of promoting innovation, as espoused by Jack Balkin's theory of Living Originalism, also intertwines with the notion of the Marketplace of Ideas. Balkin's perspective resonates with my understanding of the vital role that open discourse and diverse viewpoints play in stimulating innovative thinking in order to develop novel solutions to things. By valuing and protecting free speech, we create an environment that encourages individuals to express unconventional ideas, challenge existing norms, and propose solutions so that society may benefit. Ultimately, unrestricted exchange of thoughts and perspectives allows for creativity where people feel empowered to push the boundaries of knowledge.

As I reflect on the relationship between promoting innovation and the Marketplace of Ideas, I am inspired to contribute to a world where the celebration of diverse perspectives are celebrated!

The Supreme Court: A Reflection

From the information provided on History, I gained new insights into the early days of the Supreme Court. I first learned that the initial Court was composed of six justices, whose duties included holding circuit court twice a year, a demanding obligation abolished in 1891 due to the challenging travel methods of the time. I was fascinated to learn that traveling logistics could cause a rule to be abolished! The article talked about the pivotal role of the Chief Justice which involves presiding over the Court, setting the agenda, and overseeing impeachment trials of the President. This was exemplified by cases involving Presidents Andrew Johnson, Bill Clinton, and Donald Trump, all of whom were acquitted.

I believe the most crucial take-away point about the Supreme Court is its profound impact on American society.  The Court has played a significant role in shaping the nation's legal framework and societal progress and it’s all because they have mastered interpreting the Constitution and delivering crucial decisions on issues ranging from civil liberties to human rights!

Probably my most surprising finding was the early requirement for justices to hold circuit court duties twice a year. This interested me because it shows the demanding responsibilities the role required at a time when our nation was forming. Also the fluctuation in the number of justices before settling at nine in 1869 made me realize about the dynamic nature of the Court's structure and its evolution over time. The landmark cases such as Dred Scott v. Sandford and Plessy v. Ferguson highlighted the Court's power in both upholding and challenging societal norms. The dynamic evolution of the Court's composition and its profound impact on the nation's trajectory stand out to me as some of the most striking qualities.

Sunday, October 22, 2023

My Top 5 Sources for News and Information

1. The New York Times

I particularly like The New York Times for its reports of current events. Their analysis is very detailed and they also have a solid understanding of global affairs. What I really like about The New York Times is that it has such a diverse range of topics, from international politics to environmental issues. The writers often present multiple perspectives which is imperative for forming a well-rounded opinion on complex issues. 

 (Source: The New York Times,

2. EatingWell Magazine

EatingWell Magazine has become my go-to source for everything related to healthy eating. I really love how they provide recipes that are easy to follow along with insightful articles on nutrition and wellness. I am a huge proponent of eating healthy, so I particularly enjoy their approach to promoting a balanced diet rather than fad diets. EatingWell has truly helped me maintain a wholesome and healthy lifestyle with good eating habits.

(Source: EatingWell Magazine,


I am a huge baseball enthusiast, and ESPN has consistently been my favorite source for all things related to baseball. I am a huge fan of their expert commentary and engaging insights, which add depth to my understanding and appreciation of the game. ESPN also has everything from live game updates to updates off the field as well. Their content is super diverse content, including highlights, interviews, and behind-the-scenes coverage. ESPN has been my go-to source for all sports for as long as I can remember! 

(Source: ESPN,

4.Ski Magazine

When I want to delve into the ski world, the Ski Magazine has been my trusted guide. I really like the way they cover more than just skiing itself, such as gear reviews and destination spotlights as well as expert tips and techniques to become the best skier possible. Ski Magazine's passion for the sport is so clear when you go on their page and you can see in their engaging storytelling and dedication to providing valuable information for both beginners and life-long experts. 

(Source: Ski Magazine,

5. The Economist

When I’m searching for political or global affairs, the Economist will capture my interest with its well-researched analysis of global political affairs. The magazine's in-depth articles and many different political ideologies which have an effect on the global scale. Its emphasis on critical thinking really stands out as well. What I enjoy most is the diverse perspectives because I feel like this helps me have a more balanced perspective which is unbiased. The Economist has undoubtedly broadened my horizons.

(Source: The Economist,


A Technological Epiphany

In the not so distant past, my relationship with technology was about as innocent as the sound of the Nintendo DS opening jingle. The excite...