Monday, October 30, 2023

The Supreme Court: A Reflection

From the information provided on History, I gained new insights into the early days of the Supreme Court. I first learned that the initial Court was composed of six justices, whose duties included holding circuit court twice a year, a demanding obligation abolished in 1891 due to the challenging travel methods of the time. I was fascinated to learn that traveling logistics could cause a rule to be abolished! The article talked about the pivotal role of the Chief Justice which involves presiding over the Court, setting the agenda, and overseeing impeachment trials of the President. This was exemplified by cases involving Presidents Andrew Johnson, Bill Clinton, and Donald Trump, all of whom were acquitted.

I believe the most crucial take-away point about the Supreme Court is its profound impact on American society.  The Court has played a significant role in shaping the nation's legal framework and societal progress and it’s all because they have mastered interpreting the Constitution and delivering crucial decisions on issues ranging from civil liberties to human rights!

Probably my most surprising finding was the early requirement for justices to hold circuit court duties twice a year. This interested me because it shows the demanding responsibilities the role required at a time when our nation was forming. Also the fluctuation in the number of justices before settling at nine in 1869 made me realize about the dynamic nature of the Court's structure and its evolution over time. The landmark cases such as Dred Scott v. Sandford and Plessy v. Ferguson highlighted the Court's power in both upholding and challenging societal norms. The dynamic evolution of the Court's composition and its profound impact on the nation's trajectory stand out to me as some of the most striking qualities.

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